On Thursday 12th October Year 8 pupils had the pleasure of listening to Liz Weir (MBE), our resident storyteller, as she shared some spooky tales and ghoulish myths from our native land. Liz captivated this eager audience with her imaginative spirit and her dazzling delivery, telling stories of banshees, jack-o-lanterns and fiendish ghosts! It was a privilege to hear about Liz’s life as a writer as she recalled her friendship with famous children’s author Jaqueline Wilson, and her hilarious encounter with the beloved Roald Dahl. This workshop beautifully captured the spirit of ‘Oracy October’ with plenty of questions from our aspiring authors in the audience who eagerly wanted to learn more about a career in the arts. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Liz Weir workshop without a few rousing choruses of ‘Boom Chicka Boom’ and some fun-filled vocal exercises. We would like to thank Liz for taking time out of her busy schedule to share her gift and we hope that it will inspire lots of spooky stories from our Year 8 pupils.
A haunting Halloween treat with a few tricks for good measure!