Sunday Times Secondary School of the Year 2023

St. Mary's Grammar School



The Spanish Department aims to:

  • provide an enjoyable environment which allows pupils to develop a suitable level of competence in spoken and written Spanish;

  • encourage pupils to develop personal qualities, such as self-confidence, independence and effective communication;

  • develop pupils’ ability to comprehend and present information effectively through the medium of Spanish; and

  • enable pupils to develop transferable communication skills that can be used in a series of situations and across various subjects.


At Key Stage 3, Spanish is delivered over four lessons per fortnight.

Pupils are taught basic language concepts and skills. They are taught to communicate effectively through the medium of Spanish using a variety of teaching methodologies, including interactive and on-line games.


In Year 8, pupils study the following topics:

  • School (commands, things in the classroom, things in the school bag, subjects, teachers…)

  • Greetings

  • Myself (name, age, birthday, nationality…)

  • Date

  • Physical description

  • Description of character

  • Leisure

  • The time

  • Snacks

  • Family (members)

  • Pets

  • Daily routine


In Year 9, pupils study the following topics:

  • House

  • Bedroom

  • Town

  • Activities in the town

  • Shops

  • Directions

  • Weather

  • Holidays (places, transport, activities, accommodation, booking a room, tourist office.....)

  • Clothing (uniform.....)


In Year 10, pupils study the following topics:

  • Leisure activities

  • The time

  • Sport

  • Making plans

  • TV programmes and films

  • Parts of the body

  • Going to the doctor's

  • Food and Drink

  • Part-time jobs

  • Environment and Fair-trade


At Key Stage 4, the Spanish Department offers Spanish at GCSE Level. Pupils follow the CCEA specification. Spanish is delivered over six lessons per fortnight.

Pupils will be examined on their knowledge of the language within the following contexts for learning. 

  • Context 1: Identity, Lifestyle and Culture

  • Context 2: Local, National and Global Areas of Interest

  • Context 3: School Life and the World of Work

Pupils will be assessed in the four main skill areas of : Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.  All assessments take place at the end of Year 12.


Unit 1: Listening (25%)

This unit aims to develop pupils’ understanding and response to different types of spoken language.

 In this unit, pupils are required to:

  • demonstrate understanding of different types of spoken language

  • follow and understand clear speech that uses familiar language

  • identify the overall message, key points, details and opinions in a variety of spoken passages

  • deduce meaning from a variety of spoken texts

  • recognise and respond to key information, important themes and ideas in extended spoken text by answering questions, extracting information, evaluating and drawing conclusions


This unit is assessed in the form of a written examination with stimulus material in Spanish.

 There are two tiers of entry.

 Pupils will have 35 minutes to complete the assessment for this unit at Foundation Level and 45 minutes to complete the assessment for this unit at Higher Level. 

 Students answer 12 questions. Four of these are the same in both tiers. Responses include:

  • selection

  • gap-filling

  • answering questions in English

  • answering questions in Spanish

Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 12.

 Pupils’ work in this unit will be externally assessed.   


Unit 2: Speaking (25%)

This unit aims to develop pupils’ communication and effective interaction in speech.

 In this unit, pupils are required to:

  • communicate and interact effectively in speech for a variety of purposes

  • take part in short conversations, asking and answering questions, exchanging opinions and producing extended sequences of speech

  • speak spontaneously, responding to questions, points of view or situations and sustaining communication, as appropriate

  • express information and narrate events coherently and confidently, using and adapting language for new purposes

  • make appropriate and accurate use of a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures

  • make creative use of the language, as appropriate, to express and justify their own thoughts and points of view

  • use accurate pronunciation and intonation that would be understood by a native speaker

 This unit is assessed in the form of a formal speaking examination conducted by the teacher under controlled conditions.

 Pupils will have 7-12 minutes, plus 10 minutes of supervised preparation time, to complete the assessment for this unit.

 Each test includes:

 two role plays,both from the same Context of Learning

 a general conversation on two topics, one from each of the other two Contexts of Learning.

 Each role play lasts up to 2 minutes and each conversation topic takes up to 4 minutes.

 Students prepare the first conversation topic in advance from the Context for Learning.

 Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 12.

 Pupils’ work in this unit will be externally assessed.


Unit 3: Reading (25%)

This unit aims to develop pupils’ understanding and response to different types of written language.

 In this unit, pupils are required to:

  • understand and respond to different types of written language

  • demonstrate understanding of details within texts using high frequency familiar language

  • identify the overall message, key points, details and opinions in a variety of written passages

  • deduce meaning from a variety of written texts

  • recognise and respond to key information, important themes and ideas in extended written text and authentic sources

  • demonstrate understanding by scanning for particular information, organising and presenting relevant details, drawing conclusions in context and recognising implicit meaning where appropriate

  • translate sentences from Spanish into English

This unit is assessed in the form of a written examination with stimulus material in Spanish.

There are two tiers of entry.

Pupils will have 50 minutes to complete the assessment for this unit at Foundation Level and 1 hour to complete the assessment for this unit at Higher Level. 

Students answer 12 questions. Four of these are the same in both tiers. Responses include:

  • selection

  • gap-filling

  • answering questions in English

  • answering questions in Spanish

  • translating short sentences from Spanish into English

Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 12. 

Pupils’ work in this unit will be externally assessed.   


Unit 4: Writing (25%)

This unit aims to develop pupils’ communication in written Spanish.

 In this unit, pupils are required to:

  • communicate in writing for a variety of purposes

  • write words, phrases and short texts, using lists and simple sentences in familiar language to convey meaning and exchange information

  • translate sentences from English into Spanish to convey key messages accurately and to apply knowledge of language and grammatical structures in context

  • produce clear and coherent extended text to present facts and express ideas and opinions for different purposes and in different settings

  • make accurate use of a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures

  • manipulate the language, using and adapting a variety of structures and vocabulary with accuracy and fluency for new purposes

  • make independent and creative use of the language to identify key points, express and justify their thoughts and points of view

 This unit is assessed in the form of a written examination. Candidates must respond and write in Spanish.

 There are two tiers of entry.

 Pupils will have I hour to complete the assessment for this unit at Foundation Level and 1 hour 15 minutes to complete the assessment for this unit at Higher Level. 


Students answer 4 questions. One of these is the same in both tiers. Responses include:

 a listing and short phrase task in Spanish (Foundation tier only)

  • Short phrase/sentence responses in Spanish (both tiers)

  • Short responses in Spanish to one or more pieces of text (Higher tier only)

  • translation of short sentences from English into Spanish (both tiers)

  • one structured, extended writing task in Spanish from a choice of three (Both tiers)

Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 12.

Pupils’ work in this unit will be externally assessed.   


At Key Stage 5, the Spanish Department offers Spanish at AS and A2 Level. Students follow the CCEA specification. At AS and A2 Level, Spanish is delivered over eleven periods per fortnight.

At AS Level, students must successfully complete three modules. A further three modules must be successfully completed at A2 Level.



At AS Level, pupils should have the opportunity to understand and explore a range of issues in Spanish within the following two contexts:

  • Context 1: Relationships

  • Context 2: Culture and Lifestyle


Unit 1: Speaking (30%) (12% of A Level)

This unit aims to develop pupils’ ability to:

  • express information, facts and ideas and justify opinions in Spanish

  • understand and apply accurately the grammatical system and a range of structures

  • adapt spoken and written language appropriately for different situations and purposes

  • speak knowledgeably about the topic that they have researched for their presentation

 In this unit, pupils are required to:

  • deliver a presentation based on an AS Level theme related to an aspect of a Spanish speaking country or community

  • take part in a general conversation in Spanish about aspects of the AS themes

 This unit is assessed in the form of a formal speaking examination conducted under controlled conditions by a visiting examiner.

Pupils will have 11 minutes (Presentation – 3 minutes and Conversation – 8 minutes) to complete the assessment for this unit. 

Assessment  of this unit will take place at the end of Year 13.

Pupils’ work in this unit will be externally assessed.


Unit 2: Listening, Reading and Use of Language (40%) (16% of A Level)

This unit aims to develop pupils' ability to:

  • understand, infer meaning and draw conclusions from a variety of spoken sources covering different contexts, registers, styles and genres;

  • adapt spoken and written language appropriately for different situations and purposes;

  • understand, infer meaning and draw conclusions from a variety of written texts covering different contexts, registers, styles and genres;

  • transfer meaning from Spanish into English;

  • express information, facts and ideas and justify opinions in written Spanish; and

  • understand and apply accurately the grammatical system and a range of structures.

In this unit, pupils are required to: 

Section A –Listening: answer two sets of questions based on two discrete passages recorded on disk.

Recording 1: Students answer in Spanish

Recording 2: Students answer in English

 (40 minutes)

 Section B – Reading: answer one set of questions in Spanish based on one passage and also translate a passage from Spanish into English (50 minutes)

 Section C – Use of Language: complete a series of short grammatical and lexical exercises and also translate short sentences from English into Spanish (30 minutes)

This unit is assessed in the form of a written examination with stimulus material in Spanish.

Pupils will have 2 hours to complete the assessment for this unit. 

Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 13.

Pupils’ work in this unit will be externally assessed.


Unit 3: Extended Writing (30%) (12% of A Level)

This Unit aims to develop pupils' ability to:

  • develop knowledge and understanding of aspects of Spanish culture and society or a Spanish speaking county or community

  • express information, facts and ideas in written Spanish and justify opinions through the study of a set film or a literary text

  • demonstrate their understanding and knowledge of the work in Spanish

  • apply grammatical structures accurately

In this unit, pupils are required to:

  • write one essay in Spanish in response to a set film or literary text

This unit is assessed in the form of a written examination.

Pupils will have 1 hour to complete the assessment for this unit. 

Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 13.

Pupils work in this unit will be externally assessed.   



At A2 Level, pupils should have the opportunity to understand and explore a range of issues in Spanish within the following two contexts

  • Context 3: Young People in Society

  • Context 4: Our Place in a changing World


Unit 4: Speaking (18%)

This unit aims to develop pupils' ability to:

  • understand, infer meaning and draw conclusions from a variety of spoken sources covering different contexts, registers, styles and genres;

  • express information, facts and ideas and justify opinions in spoken Spanish;

  • understand and apply accurately the grammatical system and a range of structures 

  • adapt spoken and written language appropriately for different situations and purposes

  • Speak knowledgeably about the topic that they have researched

In this unit, pupils' are required to: 

  • introduce and discuss one individual research project based on either:

  • a cultural aspect of a Spanish-speaking country or community

  • a historical period from the twentieth century or a Spanish-speaking country or community

  • a region of a Spanish-speaking country or community

  • take part in a general conversation in Spanish about aspects of the A2 themes and also incorporating AS themes where appropriate

This unit is assessed in the form of a formal speaking examination conducted under controlled conditions by a visiting examiner.

Pupils will have 15 minutes (Introduction and discussion about the research project – 6 minutes and Conversation – 9 minutes) to complete the assessment for this unit. 

Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 14.

Pupils’ work in this unit will be externally assessed.


Unit 5: Listening and Reading (24%)

This unit aims to empower students to:

  • understand, infer meaning and draw conclusions from a variety of spoken sources covering different contexts, registers, styles and genres;

  • adapt spoken and written language appropriately for different situations and purposes;

  • understand, infer meaning and draw conclusions from a variety of written texts covering different contexts, registers, styles and genres;

  • summarise information from written sources, report key points and subject matter in writing

  • transfer meaning from English into Spanish;

  • understand and apply accurately the grammatical system and a range of structures 

In this unit, pupils are required to: 

Section A –Listening: answer two sets of questions based on two discrete passages recorded on disk.

Recording 1: Students answer in Spanish

Recording 2: Students answer in English

 (45 minutes)

 Section B – Reading: answer two sets of questions, complete one summary exercise and one translation exercise.

Question 1: students complete a gap-filling exercise in Spanish

Question 2: students answer a set of questions in Spanish based on one passage

Question 3: students read a passage in Spanish and summarise it in English

 (2 hours)

This unit is assessed in the form of a written examination with stimulus material in Spanish.

Pupils will have 2 hours 45 minutes to complete the assessment for this unit. 

Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 14.


Pupils’ work in this unit will be externally assessed.


Unit 6: Extended Writing (18%)

 This unit aims to develop pupils’ ability to:

  • demonstrate their ability to write in Spanish about the literary text they have studied

  • express information, facts and ideas in written Spanish and justify opinions through the study of a literary text

  • demonstrate their capacity for critical and analytical thinking in Spanish by developing arguments and presenting views, opinions and justifications

  • demonstrate a capacity for critical analysis, evaluation and comparison of characters, plot and themes, literary style and motivation

  • apply grammatical structures accurately

 In this unit, pupils are required to:

  • write one essay in Spanish in response to a set literary text

This unit is assessed in the form of a written examination.

Pupils will have 1 hour to complete the assessment for this unit. 

Assessment of this unit will take place at the end of Year 14.

Pupils work in this unit will be externally assessed.  




The Spanish Department contributes to the school’s extra-curricular provision.  Extra-curricular activities include:

  • Pen-pal Club (KS3)

  • European Day of Languages Quiz (Year 9)

  • Teaching experience in local Primary schools (KS4 and KS5)

  • Participation in competitions (when available)

  • Videoconferencing and Educational Exchange with partner school ‘Colegio Aristos’ in Madrid (GCSE)

  • Biennial Educational Visit to Spain (Years 9 and 10)

  • Attendance at Revision Days at Queen’s University (A-Level)



The Spanish Department has one classroom fully dedicated to Spanish equipped with a Promethean interactive whiteboard, a Dell PC and Apple TV.  There is one full-time teacher and one part-time teacher in the department who have iPads. Senior school pupils are supported by a Language Assistant who offers linguistic support to small focused groups.


Spanish Exchange Trip Summer 23